Thursday, August 27, 2015

The NRA, Murder and Guns

We base the right to bear arms on an outdated amendment and a society as it was in the 1700s.
This is 2015 and America is becoming a slaughterhouse.
The NRA and gun lovers have never had an answer to the problem except to say that “Guns don’t kill people; people kill people.”
The truth is that people use guns to kill other people.
In fact, the death count from gun use is now uncountable.
Yes, it is that bad.
Background checks, education and addressing mental health will not solve the problem.
America is out of control with violence.
We are not the same country we were even 40 years ago.
There seems to be no end to how far we can slide.
That means things will get worse.
Knowing that, it is insane to allow guns in society.
At least the kind used for assault and guns that can be hidden.
There is no reason to allow those weapons to be in the hands of people.
As long as they are, there will be more senseless murders including those of children.
We must stop the madness.
Forget gun control.
The only answer is to ban them.
The right to life far outweighs the right to bear arms.
I am,

George Vreeland Hill